The first two walks are from
Kalaunda Shire publications.
1. Whistlepipe Gully, Lewis Road and Palm Terrace
Bus No. 288* from stand #43? (near Pier Street) at 9:50
Get off in Lewis Road approx 10:35.
Walk North to car park, (2 km). Walk Whistlepipe Gully and return. Suggest lunch stop on rock near end of walk (3 km).
Walk Lewis Road and return to car park (4 km).
Return to bus stop via western side of Palm Terrace walk (3 km).
Bus 288 leaves Hawtin Rd. terminus at 4:46 and bus stop is in Anderson Road. Be early as next bus is in two hours!
2. Lesmurdie Falls
Palm Terrace, Lewis Road and Whistlepipe Gully.
(Kalaunda Shire publications).
Bus No. 288* at 9:50 as for walk #1.
Walk North from same stop in Lewis Road and turn right into Palm Terrace and walk to car park.
Take new Lions Club walk to bottom of the falls. It was opened on October 28, 2001.
Return to car park to do Palm Terrace walk. (Note there is now a shorter way to the falls through the bush).
Walk via Lesmurdie Falls, then follow the Girl Guides' trail past the UHF radio mast until you join Lewis Road walk.
This is point 18 on the Palm Terrace walk and point 15 on the Lewis Road walk.
Do this walk in reverse until bridge at Whistlepipe Gully, which you can do in reverse if you have time.
Continue with Lewis Road walk until you reach Panoramic Terrace (2.5 km)
The next section is much less used and you will need to refer to the street directory.
Now follow walk trail North. At the end of the long downhill section, bear right to climb the hill and go along West Terrace, passing the water tower.
This joins Kalamunda Road (2 km). Bus stop is to your right.
Catch bus # 299* by 3:23 on Kalamunda Road.
Be early as busses are hourly IF you count route 296*! This route is via Goosberry hill Rd. and can be caught down Kalamunda Rd. and past the traffic lights.
Services to/from Kalamunda run on Sundays from Perth City Busport (296/299 buses).
3. Mundaring Weir
From "Twenty bushwalks around Perth". (Creative Research)
Train to Midland leaves Perth 10:25
Bus No. 330 from Midland station at 11:00
Get off in Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring, near Stoneville Road approx 11:21.
Follow the "Mundaring Weir" walk from Mundaring. Walk follows Mundaring Weir road for
4.5 km. Do not go to Mundaring Weir as time is limited. Walk goes north along pipeline and west near Great Eastern Highway. Your bus to Midland leaves at 4:25. Be early as next bus is tomorrow!
Train leaves Midland at 5:00 arrives Perth 5:25.
3A. Mundaring Weir (Alternative)
Follow walk No. 3: Midland, Mundaring, and the "Mundaring Weir" walk from Mundaring.
This time go to Mundaring Weir. Return north along pipeline to Great Eastern Highway.
Turn right to Sawyers Valley. Bus stop is on Great Eastern Hwy, near the intersection of Sawyers Rd.
Your bus to Midland leaves around 4:20.
3B. Lake Leschenaultia
Stay on the 330 bus to the terminus in Chidlow.
Walk to Lake Leschenaultia (via Rosedale road). Entry is free for walkers, but a charge is made for cars.
Your bus to Midland leaves at 4:10.
4. Perth and Fremantle
Plenty of busses and trains to the cities where you see the sights.
4B. The Swan and Canning rivers
You can walk round the river in Perth or the port at Fremantle.
Access to river walks are in the table below.
Walk. | Public Transport. | Shortened Walk. | Comments. |
Perth and South Perth. |
Elizabeth Quay station or Busport. |
Causeway (Victoria Park) bus station. |
Nice paths and unobstructed views. |
East Perth & Burswood. |
Causeway bus station. |
- |
Cross Pindan bridge. |
East Perth to Ashfield Flats. |
East Perth and Ashfield stations. |
Cross Maylands peninsular |
Beware golfers. |
Ashfield Flats to Guildford. |
Ashfield and Guildford stations. |
- |
50% not by river. |
Guildford to Belmont. |
Guildford station and bus??. |
- |
50% not by river. |
Belmont to Perth. |
Bus ?? to Elizabeth Quay bus station. |
- |
Belmont race course is by river. |
Perth to Fremantle, South. |
Esplanade & Fremantle stations. |
1. Canning Bridge station.
2. Melville.
Nearly all by river. |
Perth to Fremantle, North. |
Esplanade & North Fremantle stations. |
1. Claremont station, walk 1 km.
2. Victoria Street station - walk via reserve.
Middle part - 80% not by river. |
Canning River. |
Canning Bridge station. |
Bull Creek station. |
Cross Mt. Henry bridge. |
Upper Canning River. |
Thornlie station. |
- |
?. |
5. Joondalup
Plenty of trains to Joondalup. Why not go to Neil Hawkins Park, walk south along Lake Joondalup to Ocean reef Road, then to Edgewater station?
Or in reverse, and get lunch at Joondalup.
Don't forget you can take your bike on the train.
6. Byford
Train to Armadale. Here you can explore the Settlers common, do the historical walk, or have lunch. No. 251 bus to Byford goes at 9:12, 1:12 or 5:17 and returns at 1:30, 1:30 and 5:30.